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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

[I Heart Faces Weekly Challenge] YELLOW

This weeks I Heart Faces Challenge is YELLOW and although I thought I'd use a picture that showcased all the beautiful spring yellow flowers, I couldn't by pass this opportunity to share a sweet moment of Kiley in her yellow shirt eating her yellow banana!
Check out all the other great yellow entries here!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


She is one of 13 that I photographed today...had to stop and share this one! Isn't she so beautiful?

Monday, May 16, 2011

The newest addition...

With a sweet note attached....the most giving, loving, unselfish person I know, sent me the receipt for this.....

Blessed seems like an understatement! I am beyond excited to shoot with a Canon 5D!! Thank you Mark, I love you from the bottom (and to the top) of my heart!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wedding: 5/14/2011

B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L! If an award could go to the most beautiful bride, and the most picture perfect wedding, I'm pretty sure Erin would win!! I'm not sure that it's completely appropriate to cry during the toasts, or during the couple's final departure if you're just the photographer, but I did! I felt so honored to be apart of Erin and Adam's special day! I was the second shooter and tried my best to stay a good distance from the other photographer... so my perspective was a bit different than that of what I would do normally. Adam and Erin, Congratulations, I just know you'll live happily ever after!!! (keep your eyes open as I'll be posting pict. over the next several days/weeks)
Parents of the Groom

Family of 3

Too beautiful for words! This sweet little family was so much fun to photograph and oh-so-ever photogentic! The session took place at Concord Cove on a perfect overcast day! Their newest addition is so sweet and seemed to already know how to work the camera- her momma is a photographer! Excited about possibly joining forces in the near future! Thanks Erin for letting me take your family's photos! I enjoyed meeting your beautiful family and getting to know you!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

When Two will Become One

This weedend I'm headed to Nashville to shoot a vintage themed wedding! The bride has shared with me some of her unique ideas and details and I'm already certain it'll be a gorgeous wedding! Can't wait to share with you a sneak peek sometime early next week! Keep your eyes open and in the meantime pray for good weather!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

2 years old!

It's been a while since I put a picture of my own rockstar on here! So here we go... My BIG 2 year old!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Click Here to like my facebook page! Hope you all are having a wonderful Monday! :)

10 days young!

Little Cooper is a fighter. His mother had contraction around 20 weeks and had us all worried! So glad he's here and healthy (just under 7lbs)! Cooper has a head of beautiful blonde hair and the sweetest little face I ever did see!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Beauty Star

This little cutie is the the daughter of another one of my McNabb friends! We did a morning session in Concord Park-The Cove. She started out shy, but by the end of her session, she was SHINING! :)

I Heart Faces- Soft and Sweet

Both soft and super sweet!! Cooper is 10 days old..his mommy brought this adorable teddy that was his daddy's....isn't that so special?!?

Want to see more fantastic entries? Click here!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

12 days old

I learned something last night...newborn photography is SOOOOOO hard! I thought it would be so easy to squish a baby into a ball and take their picture...but it doesn't work like that. This tiny 12 day old was near perfect while I attempted to squish her into place....everything takes practice! She's a cutie regardless! Oh and I should probably mention that she stayed awake for the 2 hrs she was over! Ps, this session has me longing even more for my Canon 5D, and resulted in the purchase of a professional flash...Eeek!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Family ~

How beautiful is this family? If you are a friend or a part of my family, than you know the name Megan Parker. She took Bryce's beautiful newborn pictures that I hang so proudly all over my house! I had so much fun meeting up with her and taking pictures of her family! The Parker's are also a part of the McNabb family and foster children in their home. Unfortunately I am unable to post pictures of their beautiful foster children, (and hopefully pre-adoptive)...but let me tell ya, they are an adorable bunch (there are 3 of them!!)!!
He did this on his own when his momma told him to be cute, ha!

Senoir Pictures

When I was a social worker at McNabb, Jill Barnes was one of my BFF's and at the same time one of the coolest supervisors of all time ;). So when asked, I was honored to take her daughter's senior pictures! Our session was at a beautiful park in down town Lenoir City! Thank you Jill for trusting me to take her senior pictures! Bre is defnitely your mini-me and oh-so-ever beautiful!!