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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

12 days old

I learned something last night...newborn photography is SOOOOOO hard! I thought it would be so easy to squish a baby into a ball and take their picture...but it doesn't work like that. This tiny 12 day old was near perfect while I attempted to squish her into place....everything takes practice! She's a cutie regardless! Oh and I should probably mention that she stayed awake for the 2 hrs she was over! Ps, this session has me longing even more for my Canon 5D, and resulted in the purchase of a professional flash...Eeek!


  1. Taryn, you were absolutely perfect with Anlee! She was worn out last night! I am so excited to see the rest of the pictures! They look just like her and I am so thrilled! Thank you! Kami

  2. These are great! she is a doll!

  3. Amazing pictures!

    I'm following.

